A poor old man dreams that if he travels to the capital city he will find a treasure. He travels there only to find it guarded day and night. When the guard questions his presence, he tells him to go home and search for the treasure there. You will have to read the book to discover if the poor old man finds a treasure.
The Treasure is written with a lesson learned at the end. In the classroom, students (grades 1-2) could discuss a lesson they have learned recently in their own lives. Students could also create their own picture books with a lesson learned. Their picture book could be based off of their own personal experiences or one they have made up.
Standard: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.1.2- Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.
BIG Question(s): Why did the man not listen to his dream when it occurred the first time? Why, when he reached the capital city, did he not try harder to look under the bridge?
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